Best 7 Foods For Heart Blockage

Jon Straub
4 min readOct 12, 2018


The best foods for heart blockages — use your diet to beat heart disease

Heart blockage, or coronary artery disease, is one of the USA’s leading causes of death. Its roughly described as a narrowing of the major blood vessels in your heart. This can lead to chest pains, angina, and even heart attacks. Everybody knows somebody who suffers from heart blockages or somebody who may have suffered a heart attack. But so many people do nothing to decrease their chances of heart problems.

I’m a huge believer in using diet to supercharge your health. Think about all of the time in our life that is dedicated to eating. The average American household puts 10% of its budget towards food. That is 10% of the work we do going towards nourishment and sustaining ourselves with energy.

You put a lot of work into getting the food into your body. So it only makes sense that the food you are putting in should work for you. Many of the foods that we consume are increasing our risk of a heart blockage. Fast food, fried food, processed meats, and drinks that are high in sugar are fine once in a while — but if eaten regularly, they are likely going to cause a strain on your heart.

The good news is that there are foods that can do the exact opposite! The term “superfood” is thrown around a lot these days. It can sometimes seem like every other exotic fruit or vegetable promises to cure you of ailments and make you feel like Superman. However, there are some foods that really do make a tangible difference. For a great starting point, I would recommend downloading Superfoods Rx by Stephen G. Pratt MD & Kathy Matthews — it gives a great overview of what different superfoods can do. But for now, I am going to go start off by giving a brief overview of some foods that can start to make a difference to your cardiovascular health.

Wild Salmon

Fat. The word strikes fear into anyone wanting to change their lifestyle. Supermarket shelves are packed with low-fat snacks, fat-free dressings, and 1% fat yogurt. But fat is not always the enemy. There are a number of fats which can actually guard against cardiovascular disease. Wild salmon is not only delicious and full of protein but packed with omega-3 — an essential fatty acid. By eating more wild salmon (and other cold-water fish such as mackerel or trout), you are getting a hit of omega-3 that can have a profound effect on your health.


The sweet, all-American berry is not only delicious — but packed full of antioxidants. In fact, the USDA Human Nutrition Center ranks blueberries as the number one antioxidant food when compared with 40 other fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are important to diet and can help break down the build up in artery walls that can cause heart blockages. Try replacing snacks such as chips with blueberries — they are fresher, tastier, and incomparably more healthy.


There is a reason Popeye always reverted to spinach — it’s a classic superfood, and one of the 3 main foods that are recommended in Superfoods Rx. There have been a number of studies done on the positive effects of spinach on cardiovascular disease. The leafy green is filled with carotenoids, a group of nutrients that helps protect the artery walls against damage. It’s also a source of potassium and folate, nutrients that can help fight against low blood pressure — one of the biggest causes of heart blockages.


People who regularly consume nuts significantly reduce their chances of heart blockages and coronary heart disease. It really is that simple. They contain essential fatty acids and heaps of protein. They also contain magnesium, which is essential for maintaining a healthy heart — a study has shown that low levels of magnesium are associated with hypertension (high blood pressure).

Soy Protein

In my opinion, there are few things more satisfying than a medium-rare, grass fed, thick-cut ribeye steak. But unfortunately, eating red meat every day will increase your chances of heart disease. There’s no way around it. But there are alternatives. Try replacing red meat protein with soy protein such as soybeans, tempeh, or tofu. Soy proteins are much better for your heart — they are lower in fat, higher in fiber, and rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


I love asparagus. There is something that is so satisfying about fresh grilled asparagus, coated in a thin layer of olive oil and lightly seasoned. The flavor is delicious. It also contains minerals that can boost the amount of glutathione in the body. This antioxidant is great at fighting heart blockages and increasing cardiovascular health.


Most of the foods on this list are meat, nuts, or fresh produce, but there are also a number of spices that can decrease the chances of heart blockages. Tumeric has anti-inflammatory properties that make it great for guarding against blood clots, hardening of the arteries, and more.

I strongly believe in having a more natural, whole food based view on nutrition. You don’t have to go full out. I’m not saying that you can never eat another burger again. Cheese has not been banished from your diet forever. But just cutting out some of the foods that are actively hurting your cardiovascular health and replacing them with some of these superfoods a few times a week can make a huge difference. So give it a go and use food to fight heart blockages!

Jon Straub is a health and wellness coach in NYC. He is on a mission to elevate the effectiveness of world-changing leaders through the food they eat and the way they live.



Jon Straub
Jon Straub

Written by Jon Straub


Jon is on a mission to elevate the effectiveness of world-changing leaders through the food they eat and the way they live.

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